Cinnamon, cloves, ginger and other common cooking spices have been considered aphrodisiacs for thousands of years in both Western and Eastern cultures. Many years ago, cinnamon was used as a cure against impotence, often mixed with wine in Great Britain and Rome. Cloves are reputed to be a male aphrodisiac because of their shape, especially in Indonesian culture. From ancient China, to Islam to the Greeks, ginger has been considered an aphrodisiac and cure all for many problems. Ginger is commonly used as a digestive aid, anti-inflammatory, and increases blood flow. Recently in a study in Nigeria at the College of Medicine at the University of Ibada, the effects of ginger on sexual functioning were tested on rats. The finding showed that after the eight days the rats were given ginger infused water, they experienced an increase of testosterone levels and also experienced an increase of weight in their testes.
Another sexual stimulant commonly found in a kitchen is honey. Honey is a great source of B vitamins which is needed for testosterone production. It also contains boron which helps the body metabolize estrogen in women and possibly enhances blood levels of testosterone in men. Molasses is a great source of iron, magnesium, chromium, and potassium, all being especially important in sexual hormone production for men.
That means holiday
foods—which you probably thought you should stay away from—like pumpkin pie,
spice cake, and gingersnaps are actually good for you. To maximize the effects
of these ingredients, try adding a teaspoon of ginger and molasses to apple pie and apple
crisp, add cinnamon to blackberry pie and cherry cobbler. Not only will your
secret ingredient be delectable to the palette, but be infusing aphrodisiacs
into your diet.