Saturday, August 15, 2015

10 Romance Short Story Markets that Pay Royalties

One of the differences between romance and science-fiction/fantasy/horror/mystery/furry/literary markets is that other genres pay better and often pay per word. It might be a professional rate of 6 cents a word or a semi-pro rate of 1/2 a cent per word, but it is still paying. What I have seen of romance markets is that they offer royalties and no advance like many small publishers of novels these days. Which isn't to say you won't make money. Some authors do well. Some do better self-publishing. Some sell a story and later self-publish it when the rights revert back to them. 

Romance Markets

GLTB romance in all sub genres. Royalty only. Open calls for specific anthologies regulary.

Steam Romance
Romance and erotica market: Short stories: 15k-40k words, novels 50k-100k words

Heros and Heartbreakers
All levels of romance: short stories (15k-30k words), novellas (30k-50k words), and category-length

Bliss: Entangled
Novella and novelette length submissions

Ellora's Cave
themed anthologies, 10,000 words plus

Books to Go Now
Looking for romance novelettes and novellas

New Concepts Publishing
Looking for holiday themed short story romance

Fiction Magazines
Various genres, romance 5000-7500 words,

Romantic Shorts
No pay and wants first rights

Fiery Seas Publishing (not a specific romance market)
novellas, novelette and novel length fiction, many genres accepted,

Morning Rain (Deadline January 2016)
short stories
Know of a market that isn't listed? Contact me and send me something to add to the market list.