These markets will accept romance, but be advised, they are not specifically geared toward the romance genre. Some are speculative but will accept fantasy romance or a fantasy with a romance, etc.
Wisdom Crieth Without
Rhyming and metered Poetry,
art, short stories, Hearth felt stories of the human condition
6¢ per word, up to $240 per
The Foghorn
comedy, adventure, sci-fi,
romance, historical fiction, horror
($1000, 1200 – 8500 words)
Temp closed--check back later
Three Penny Review
General fiction, memoir,
reviews and articles
Fiction and poetry,
$400, .doc. less than 4000
words OPEN Jan-June CLOSED?
Metro Moms
Literary, women’s fiction, fantasy,
historical, paranormal, romance, and science fiction.
Flash: $25 (generally 900 and
1100 words), single-spaced with double spaces between paragraphs.
Temp closed to submissions?
Crossed Genres,
Sci-fi, horror, fantasy
mixed with current genre,
Payment: 5 cents a word, 1-8000 words ($25 for
cover art), free E-Book, use
submission form
Untied Shoelaces of the Mind,
Categories: romance, sci
fi/fantasy, humor, horror, recipes
3 cents a word, 100-2,000 words
Closed until Jan 2016
The Crucible Contest
all genres
$150 for prize winners, up to
8000 words,
Glimmer Train Press Content
Fiction, preferably with a
literary bent
Keep an eye out for free
entry periods
959 Eighth Avenue, NY, NY 10019
Contact: Fiction Editor
Original short fiction and novel condensations. Looks for reader identification.
Freelancer’s odds are overwhelming, but all submissions are read
Send complete ms. Manuscripts will not be returned. Response on acceptance only. Length:1500 words (short-shorts); 5000 words (short stories); novel, no restriction
Pays $1000 minimum to new writers
Redbook Magazine
224 W. 57th Street, NY, NY 10019
Contact: Fiction Department
Looks for reader identification (young married women, 25-44). Freelancer’s odds are overwhelming, but good writing receives encouragement. Send ms. with SASE
Pays $1000 minimum
850 Third Avenue, NY, NY 10022-6258
Contact: Fiction Editor
Publishes 4-5 new writers/year. Literary short stories which include, but are not limited to female teenage experience
Length: 750-3500 words
Pays $700-2500
959 Eighth Avenue, NY, NY 10019
Contact: Fiction Editor
Original short fiction and novel condensations. Looks for reader identification.
Freelancer’s odds are overwhelming, but all submissions are read
Send complete ms. Manuscripts will not be returned. Response on acceptance only. Length:1500 words (short-shorts); 5000 words (short stories); novel, no restriction
Pays $1000 minimum to new writers
Redbook Magazine
224 W. 57th Street, NY, NY 10019
Contact: Fiction Department
Looks for reader identification (young married women, 25-44). Freelancer’s odds are overwhelming, but good writing receives encouragement. Send ms. with SASE
Pays $1000 minimum
850 Third Avenue, NY, NY 10022-6258
Contact: Fiction Editor
Publishes 4-5 new writers/year. Literary short stories which include, but are not limited to female teenage experience
Length: 750-3500 words
Pays $700-2500
Wily Writers Audible Fiction
fantasy, science fiction, and paranormal romance, mystery, adventure
5 cents, up to 4000 words?
temp closed
Woman Magazine,
Niche Publishing and Media, P.O. Box 8170, West Chester OH 45069-8170. Tel:
(513)851-8916. Fax: (513)851-8916. E-mail:
Monthly magazine covering women’s issues. Accepts: Fiction mss of
700-1,200 words. Topics include adventure, confession, horror, humorous,
mainstream, mystery, religious, romance, slice-of-life vignettes. Contact:
Alicia Wiehe, publisher. Terms: Pays $30 on publication for one-time rights.
Submissions: Query with clips or send complete ms. Accepts queries by
mail or e-mail.
Life, The Magazine of Southwest Florida (,
9051 North Tamiami Trail N., Suite 202, Naples FL 34108. Tel: (239)594-9980.
Fax: (239)594-9986. E-mail: Magazine published 10
times/year for southwest Florida, the workings of its natural systems, its
history, personalities, culture and lifestyle. Accepts: Nonfiction mss
of 500-3,000 words. Topics and forms include historical, interview/profile,
issue/trend. All articles must be related to southwest Florida. Contact:
Bob Morris, editor. Terms: Pays $100-1,000 on publication for first
North American serial rights. Submissions: Query with clips by mail,
e-mail or fax.
Fiction Fix (,, W242-A Madison Ave., Oconomowoc WI 53066. E-mail: Monthly online publication covering writing
and publishing. Accepts: Nonfiction mss of 800-1,000 words. Topics and
forms include how-to (on the craft of writing fiction), opinion, personal experience
(writing/how-to related). Contact: Miranda Fuller. Terms: Pays
$20-30 for original feature articles on publication for e-rights, including
nonexclusive ability to archive (removed at writer’s request). Submissions:
Query by e-mail.
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